Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University
Ph.D. Guideship Application Form
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Primary Information
Academic Qualification
Details of Research Paper
Primary Information
First Name :
Please Enter Name.
Middle Name :
Please Enter Father / Husband Name.
Please Enter Valid Father Name.
Last Name :
Please Enter LastName.
Residential Address :
Please Enter Residential Address.
Please Enter Valid Residential Address.
Mobile :
Please Enter Mobile No.
Please Enter Valid Mobile No.Miniumum Length should be 10
Email :
Please Enter E-mail.
Please Enter Valid E-mail.
College/Institute Name :
Please Enter College Name.
Type of College :
-Please Select-
Grant In Aid
Self Finance
Please Select type of College.
Joining Date Present College/Institute :
Please Enter Joining Date.
Present Designation :
-Please Select-
Associate Professor
Asst. Professor
Principal (Permanent Only)
Please Select Present Designation.
Please Enter DOB
Date of Retirement :
Please Enter Date of Retirement.
Subject for Which Recognition is Sought :
BOTANY & Environment science
Commerce & Accountancy
Home Science (Science)
MICROBIOLOGY & Biochemistry & Biotechnology
Political Science
Social Work
Please Select Subject for Which Recognition is Sought.
Ph.D.Notification Vide Letter No. :
Please Enter Ph.D.Notification Vide Letter No.
Ph.D.Notification Vide Letter Date. :
Please Enter Ph.D.Notification Vide Letter Date.
Letter No.of recognition as U.G.Teacher :
Please Enter Letter No.of recognition as U.G.Teacher.
Letter date of recognition as U.G.Teacher :
Please Enter Letter date of recognition as U.G.Teacher.
Letter No.of recognition as P.G.Teacher :
Please Enter Letter No.of recognition as P.G.Teacher.
Letter date of recognition as P.G.Teacher :
Please Enter Letter date of recognition as P.G.Teacher.
Years of Teaching experience as a U.G. Teacher :
Please enter a 2 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid Year of Teaching experince
Years of Teaching experience as a P.G. Teacher :
Please enter a 2 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid Year of Teaching experince
Work Load Per Week U.G Level :
Please enter a 2 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid Year of Teaching experince
Work Load Per Week P.G Level :
Please enter a 2 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid Work Load Per Week P.G Level
No.Of Research Papers published in referred /care listed Journal after Ph.D. Notification :
Please Enter No.Of Research Papers published in referred /care listed Journal after Ph.D. Notification.
Please enter a 2 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid No.Of Research Papers published
Academic Qualification
Bachelor Degree
Degree Name :
Please UG Degree Name.
University :
Please UG University Name.
Passing Year :
Please UG Passing Year.
Please enter a 4 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid year
Class :
Please Enter UG Class.
Subject :
Please Enter UG Subject.
Remarks :
Master Degree
Degree Name :
Please Enter PG Degree Name.
University :
Please Enter PG University.
Passing Year :
Please Enter PG Year.
Please enter a 4 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid year
Class :
Please Enter PG Class.
Subject :
Please Enter PG Subject.
Remarks :
M. Phill Detail
Degree Name :
University :
Passing Year :
Please enter a 4 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid year
Class :
Subject :
Remarks :
Ph. D Detail
Degree Name :
Please Enter Ph.D Degree Name.
University :
Please Enter Ph.D University.
Passing Year :
Please Enter Ph.D Year.
Please enter a 4 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid year
Award :
Title Of Ph.D.Thesis :
Please Enter Title Of Ph.D.Thesis.
Subject :
Please Enter Ph.D Subject.
Remarks :
NET Detail
Degree Name :
State :
Passing Year :
Please enter a 4 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid year
Subject :
GSET Detail
Degree Name :
State :
Passing Year :
Please enter a 4 digit interger number !
Please enter a valid year
Subject :
Details of Research Paper Published in journals
Add New Journal Details
Sr No
Name of Journal
Title of Research Paper
UGC listed/UGC CARE/Refereed
Month of Publication
Year of Publication
No records to display.
:: Eligibility criteria for Ph.D. Guideship ::
Subject to the other provisions of this ordinance, a teacher, who is a Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor/Principal/Adhyapak Sahayak in this University department/affiliated college/constituent college/PG centre/recognized institution of the Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University and employed as a Permanent Teacher or a Scientist shall be eligible to apply for recognition to supervise Ph.D. study/Research scholar in Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University subject to the following eligibilities.
a) Must have Ph.D. or an equivalent degree in the concerned subject.
b) Permanent faculty members working as Professor/Associate Professor in Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University with a Ph.D., and at least five research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals and permanent faculty members working as Assistant Professors/Adhyapak Sahayak in Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University with a Ph.D., and at least three research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals may be recognized as a Research Supervisor in the university department or in its affiliated colleges/Post-graduate Colleges/institutes. Such recognized research supervisors cannot supervise research scholars in other university, where they can only act as co-supervisors.
c) Must have permanent recognition as a UG and PG Teacher of BKNM university. It is not required for teachers who are teaching in PG department of this university.
d) The Professor/Asso.Professor/Asst. Professor of other university cannot be the guide of this university. However, they can act as a co-guide.
20.5: He/She should remain present in the RAC meeting. He/She has to put Leave of Absence Report if he/she is unable to remain present. If he/she remains absent for three RAC consecutively, Vice Chancellor may withdraw his/her Ph.D. guideship with the recommendation of Academic Council/Executive Council.
For more details, kindly refer the Ph.D. ordinance-2023 of Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University.
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NOTE: • After submission of application, upload page will open where you have to upload the necessary documents/Papers. • Submit one hard copy to Officer on Special Duty (Academic), Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Government Polytechnic, Khadiya, Junagadh-362263 along with forwarding letter signed by your principal,prints form and all other documents.